Toenail surgery


Nail surgery may be recommended as the best course of treatment due to ingrowing toenails. Ingrowing toenails can be caused due to poor nail care, poor footwear, injury or infections and can also be inherited. Toenail problems are amongst the most common reasons for people seeking assistance of a podiatrist, they’re impossible to ignore and they can’t be resolved without professional help. Here at Luckie Foot Clinic we try a range of treatments to resolve your toenail problems, but sometimes the only solution is toenail removal surgery.

Toenails take about nine months to grow from the nail base to the top of the toe. Sometimes problems begin when pressure from footwear distorts the growth of the nail, or the nail is trimmed into the curved shape. This allows one of its vertical edges to pierce the grove in which it lies.

One type of ingrowing toenail produces corns growing within the nail bed and prevents the sufferer wearing closed shoes. These may never become infected, but produce excessive pain. Most common is the infected and inflamed ingrowing toenail, sometimes very painful. The skin around the nail appears swollen and red; sometimes pus may be visible under the skin. If the nail has become ingrown several times, or the shape of the nail is so badly deformed that it is likely to re-grow, a decision may be made to remove part of the nail root.

The end result will produce a normal looking but slightly narrower nail. If the nail has become very deformed or if removing side sections would achieve an unsatisfactory result then the final option is to remove the entire toenail.

One very common condition that affects young and old is an ingrowing toenail. The infection and pain is something that is hard to ignore. Having excellent sk...

The Procedure

Nail surgery, is a minor surgical procedure to remove part or the whole of a nail plate, this is a fairly routine procedure that does not require a hospital visit and can be completed at Luckie Foot Clinic. The operation is carried out under a local anaesthetic. The foot is cleaned with antiseptic and local anaesthetic is given by two injections to the affected toe, one each side at the base. The anaesthetic lasts a couple of hours and will totally block all pain sensation during the operation. The offending nail or nail section is then removed. No cutting or stitching is involved. The appropriate section of the nail is simply lifted and removed from that part of the nail bed. The nail matrix, which is the area that produces the nail plate, is then treated with the chemical Phenol to prevent regrowth of the nail and create a permanent solution to the problem.

An initial consultation is always required before surgery can take place to assess the nail and medical history to see if you are eligible for treatment, other necessary FAQs will also be covered at this time.

If you’re suffering from toenail pain book an appointment or call 01202 721417 to speak to a knowledgeable health care professional.